pass any drug test
Pass Any Drug Test - False Positives
A False positive drug test is the most dreaded of all tribulations, especially for employees who have a habit of recreational drug use. There could be many factors that could contribute to a false positive drug test including poor specimen taking standards, human errors, and faulty equipment, among other things, that could get you involved in a false positive drug screen. It is now a common practice at laboratories to divide drug specimens into two but there are still probabilities of ending up with a positive drug test. There are plenty of factors that could influence your drug test and this could land you in serious trouble at your work place or at a law enforcement agency where you could be accused of using a drug. EMIT is notorious for having a higher rate of giving a false positive drug test with some estimates by national laboratories putting the false positive drug screen rate of EMIT to be at 30% or even higher. This could bar you from passing a drug test even if you are on abstinence for weeks or even months!
Penicillin and Tetracycline can cause major trouble for you by giving a false positive drug test and this could land you in trouble as some tests will come up positive for the use of heroin or cocaine.
Cold remedies, diet pills, hay fever remedies and pain relievers:
A False positive drug test for amphetamine use is detected in samples given to the top 40 drug testing laboratories in the U.S because of the used of these medicines. There are more than 300 drug samples that could land you in trouble because of a false positive drug test on the EMIT.
Dental/Medical Treatments:
Novocaine and other Cain-based products are long renowned to trigger a false positive drug test for cocaine. It is possible because a drug has trace amounts of cocaine and other substances and they are regularly administered to patients suffering from chronic diseases. A urine test, which also includes GC/MS urine screening, will most likely trigger a false positive drug test result as these medicines produce metabolites resembling those of an illicit drug.
Ibuprofen is used for pain management but it can do more than just alleviating your pain given the high instances of causing a false positive drug test for marijuana THC, especially if done by the EMIT.
Poppy seeds:
A false positive drug test result is possible because of the use of poppy seeds, as EMIT labs often mistake them for opiates or heroin.
pass drug test
pass drug test
free home remedies to pass a drug test